

Hungary's market-leading insurance company also uses the IdMatrix system

Hungary's market-leading insurance company also uses the IdMatrix system

Allianz Hungária Zrt. has a complex IT environment consisting of hundreds of servers, which provides daily service to nearly 11,000 users and tens of thousands more customers. The identity management solution used previously was no longer able to effectively serve the business requirements, so a decision was made to modernize the system. Among the solutions available on the market, the IdMatrix system developed by our company best met the technical requirements. 
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Project to develop new 5G antennas

Project to develop new 5G antennas

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Award winning IDM solution

Award winning IDM solution

The next generation IDM solution called IdMatrix NG is available with many new features and improvements. The product has been developed based on our customers' requirements and in a close cooperation with our largest users. IdMatrix product family has been listed between the TOP 10 European IDM solutions by Enterprise Security Magazine. 
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Wizz Air selects IdMatrix system

Wizz Air selects IdMatrix system

The dynamic expansion of Wizz Air requires considerable flexibility and rapid responsiveness and adaptation capabilities in IT services as well. In addition to rapidly serving business needs, the security of its IT systems is very important for the company and therefore continuously strives to apply state-of-the-art protection systems.
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Industrial WIFI system at Waberer's group

Industrial WIFI system at Waberer's group

New industrial grade WIFI system at Waberer's group provides higher efficiency and accelerates logistic processes, the system was designed and implemented by Innomatrix.
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Successful IdMatrix implementation at the Hungarian Railways

Successful IdMatrix implementation at the Hungarian Railways

Successful IdMatrix implementation: Hungarian Railways recenlty started using the system, both the CIO and CISO share their experiences 

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Implementing IdMatrix 2 in a banking environment

Implementing IdMatrix 2 in a banking environment

We have succesfully implemented our IdMatrix 2 Identity Management solution for DOM-P Plc. During the implementation a large number of banking applications were integrated serving tens of thousands of users on a daily basis.
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IdMatrix 2 product gained success on the market

IdMatrix 2 product gained success on the market

We proudly announce that IdMatrix IdM and IGM solution has been successfully implemented in the enivornments of large organizations. The new version of the software called IdMatrix 2 has a redesigned interface and a lot of new functions have been implemeted as well. The system is a a next generation IDM solution that not only focuses on identity management issues but on compliance as well.
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Our fifth birthday

Our fifth birthday

We conducted a new strategy in 2011 which aim was to establishing the base of dynamic growth and emphasizing the importance of business and professional values. After 5 years of implementation of the new strategy you can read about our experiences and our success stories from the past years.
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Introduction of IdMatrix 1 IdM

Introduction of IdMatrix 1 IdM

After having gained major IDM project experience with large vendors' different solutions we have decided to develope a solution that does not have the limitation like the multinational vendor's solutions but provides extreme customisability and efficiency on the lowest price and with the highest quality.

This case study is only available in Hungarian.
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